The IMPA ACT Guide to Responsible Business Conduct
Find out how maritime purchasers and suppliers can work together to improve sustainable practice in the global shipping industry using the IMPA ACT sustainability platform. Join the movement.

The IMPA ACT Code of Conduct for Business Relationships
An abbreviated version of the official IMPA ACT Code of Conduct for Business Relationships that brings together the principles and processes required for companies to meet the minimum standard for Responsible Business Conduct.

IMPA ACT Case Studies Pack
Browse case studies from dedicated IMPA ACT members who work under the initiative to implement Responsible Business Conduct standards and extend the same expectations to their business relationships. Alfa Laval, DS Norden and J. Lauritzen talk IMPA ACT.

IMPA ACT Overview of the 48 Human Rights
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights provide businesses around the world with an authoritative reference point for respecting human (including labour) rights. The UNGPs describe the management system that all companies - no matter their size and location - need to have in place in order to respect the 48 human rights contained in the International Bill of Human Rights, including ILO's core labour rights. The attached contains an overview of these rights, all of which businesses must consider in the course of their social due diligence process.

IMPA ACT Overview of the 20 Environmental Areas
The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD-GME) and principles 7, 8 and 9 of the UN Global Compact provide businesses around the world with the areas relevant to environmental sustainability. All companies - no matter their size and location - need to have in place a management system in order to respect these 20 environmental areas. The attached contains an overview of these areas, all of which businesses must consider in the course of their environmental due diligence process.

IMPA ACT Overview of the 16 Economic Areas
The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD-GME), principle 10 of the UN Global Compact and the UN Convention against Corruption provide businesses around the world with the areas relevant to economic sustainability. All companies - no matter their size and location - need to have in place a management system in order to respect these 16 economic areas. The attached contains an overview of these areas, all of which businesses must consider in the course of their economic due diligence process.

Thinking of jumping onboard?
IMPA ACT can help your company meet the UN minimum standard for Responsible Business Conduct and manage operational-level impacts in a way that is aligned with international guidance.