What is IMPA ACT?
A comprehensive initiative offering state-of-the-art support to ship-owners, ship-managers and maritime suppliers and manufacturers wanting to meet the globally-agreed minimum standard for social, environmental and economic sustainability.
Established more than ten years ago under the umbrella of the International Marine Purchasing Association, IMPA ACT has been assisting its member companies (ship-owners, ship-operators and maritime suppliers and manufacturers) implementing Responsible Business Conduct standards within their own operations and extending these requirements to and collaborating with their business relationships (primarily suppliers) through Responsible Supply Chain Management.
The IMPA ACT Code of Conduct for Business Relationships
At the core of the IMPA ACT initiative is the IMPA ACT Code of Conduct for Business Relationships, a set of social, environmental and economic principles and standards that are based on internationally-endorsed UN minimum expectations for businesses and represent current best practice.
The IMPA ACT Code of Conduct is based on the UN Global Compact’s ten principle, as derived from the International Bill of Human Rights, ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the UN Convention Against Corruption, and made operational by the UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines. In full reflection of the universally-agreed principles for sustainable social, environmental and economic development, the IMPA ACT Code of Conduct is intended to be used as best practice and covers all the requirements that businesses need to meet in order to implement Responsible Business Conduct standards.
In a nutshell, these requirements involve the efficient management of the company's adverse operational impacts on human (including labour) rights, the environment (including climate) and anti-corruption principles through the establishment of:
- a policy commitment,
- a continuous process of due diligence, and
- an impact remediation system.
In addition to this, they also involve the extension of the same requirements to a company's business relationships.
The IMPA ACT initiative works in the background to provide member companies with tools towards complying with the Code and facilitates partnerships between companies and their business relationships.
Thinking of jumping onboard?
IMPA ACT can help your company meet the UN minimum standard for Responsible Business Conduct and manage operational-level impacts in a way that is aligned with international guidance.