As you probably know already, IMPA London 2018 is bound to be very special this year. Not only will the Association celebrate its 40-year anniversary, but the IMPA ACT initiative will also celebrate five years from being launched. With feedback from members, advisers and partners, we have instilled new life into the programme and revamped it considerably. Our end goal, however, remains the same – promote excellence and high standards in the maritime procurement sector and raise the status of the value chain.
So what has changed?
We now have a completely new look for the website
Since we started work on the IMPA ACT programme, the appetite for collaboration and partnership has grown stronger in the maritime procurement sector. While the initiative has always focused on building trust between buyers and suppliers in order to increase confidence in a company’s value chain, the way businesses engage in 2018 differs greatly from 2013, from professionals having different reading habits to them using other engagement platforms. It is why IMPA, in the words of its COO, “as an educator and service provider, has to reflect these changes”.
The main feature of the new website is that it delivers content in a less daunting way. You’ll find here everything about the initiative, its history, supporters, partners and how to get involved. For those who need further convincing, we have added case studies on how IMPA ACT works for some major actors in the shipping industry, as well as news and updates that keep your fingers on the pulse of corporate social responsibility.
Sustainable Maritime Suppliers are now easier to spot and find more about
Do you remember the past SMS website? It used to be IMPA ACT’s platform for those supplier members that were either undertaking the IMPA ACT programme or had successfully undertaken it. They could use the platform to advertise their products, their position on CSR and whether they were looking to partner with a shipping company in their sustainability journey. To make things easier, we have moved all this information to the new website in a new Sustainable Maritime Suppliers section, where we allow both members and supporters to be promoted to our buyers, together with information on their companies and products. We encourage everyone to say whether they are already in partnership or looking for an IMPA ACT partner.
We have tried to be inclusive and allow both Supplier Members who join us for a fee to be advertised in there, as well as Supporting Suppliers who only show commitment to the Supplier Code of Conduct’s principles for free. However, only members will receive a premium listing, meaning they will be advertised at the top of the page, as they are not only supporting the programme, but also giving back to the initiative in terms of feedback, best practice and insight.
A completely new members’ area for both purchasers and suppliers is now on offer
With the revamping of the initiative, we figured that there is a real benefit in suppliers being able to access purchasers’ knowledge and implementation materials. This is because IMPA ACT is trying to cascade the idea of responsible supply chain management from the last purchasers down to the first manufacturer.
So we now use the same members’ area for both shipping companies or operators and marine suppliers, as everyone is required to undertake the same process within the programme. IMPA ACT should be understood for both purchasers and suppliers as a six-step process during which internal commitment (by establishing the necessary policy statement, due diligence and remediation system) is only a first step. The last five steps are all about extending the expectations to your suppliers and working with them towards achieving compliance with the IMPA ACT Supplier Code of Conduct. We have now ensured that everyone has access to the same implementation tools.
The Marine Procurement Professional’s Guide to Responsible Supply Chain Management
As part of the new programme, we have developed an entirely new pocket guide. It focuses on both purchasers and suppliers, and it not only tells the story of responsible supply chain management, but it also explains the benefits, the way in which the entire concept is integrated into our initiative and how the IMPA ACT management system works for your company. We tried to make the content more pragmatic and we have also included the views of two important members – Danish shipowner J. Lauritzen A/S and world-leading supplier Alfa Laval. Because there really is nothing like a third opinion to demonstrate whether a programme really lives up to the expectations.
Of course, the guide is meant to be an introduction to the world of CSR and not a comprehensive account of what it entails; this is why we have the website for further explanations and the members’ area for specific materials. If you would like to be (e)mailed a copy of the pocket guide, please contact Jasmine Schestak, IMPA ACT’s Senior Project Manager, and we’ll be sending you one straight away, either by post or email (however you prefer).
Further plans?
Definitely! We have so many plans for the future and we are really excited about bringing them slowly to light. We’ll want to produce more content, offer more support to our members, expand our database and expand our reach much further. But don’tworry, we’ll let you know about every change as we go along.