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csrCloud becomes SEE impacts - What does this mean for IMPA ACT members?

August 12, 2024
Recently, our partner Global CSR's fully owned Sustainable Cloud Technologies ApS has taken over their platform csrCloud - now used by all IMPA ACT members - and they have changed the name of the platform to “SEE impacts” to signal the key properties of the platform: to assist companies conduct and document Sustainability Due Diligence; i.e., managing and documenting management of S(ocial)/E(nvironmetal)/E(conomic) impacts = SEE impacts.

Recently, our partner Global CSR's fully owned Sustainable Cloud Technologies ApS has taken over their platform csrCloud - now used by all IMPA ACT members - and they have changed the name of the platform to “SEE impacts” to signal the key properties of the platform: to assist companies conduct and document Sustainability Due Diligence; i.e., managing and documenting management of S(ocial)/E(nvironmetal)/E(conomic) impacts = SEE impacts

The change will not affect your use of the platform, however there will be a couple of things required of you in order to continue using this seamlessly.

What is Required of You?

  • Update links: Any hyperlinks referencing csrCloud, e.g, on website or in documents, should be updated to ensure continued access. Any embedded links that include csrCloud (e.g., public links to assessments, support access sign-up etc.) should be adjusted using the new links generated by the system. This does not apply to “Tell-us” URLs, nor the embedding of “Tell-us”.
  • Update mentions of csrCloud: We would appreciate any mentions of csrCloud be updated to SEE impacts in your internal and external communications where possible.

The name change, beyond clarifying the link between the name and platform properties, is a step on Global CSR's journey to scale and improve the platform. The next step is to take in an investment enabling them to speed up development, including the following points:

  • Clarifying alignment with regulation (Taxonomy/CSRD/CSDDD) and enabling documentation of full DMA
  • Increasing speed for users
  • Improving user experience
  • Improving guidance both on use and on substance
  • Additional language layers
  • Establishing Policy Commitment and Responsibility in Business Relationships modules
  • Increased capacity, enabling them to focus on the software and promote best practice - including promoting your company.
  • Providing for more muscle, focus, and bandwith – also to promote your company as best practice.

You are ahead of the curve – we are here to support you.

We hope that you appreciate, that conducting your regular sustainability impact assessments on SEE impacts (csrCloud) positions your company, as one of the few companies internationally, that are able to demonstrate and document ‘Sustainability Due Diligence’ in a manner that satisfies the requirements from EU (Taxonomy, CSRD, CSDDD) and expectations from your investors and customers.  The latest addition to the platform – the ‘Tell-us’ mechanism – enables both ‘informed stakeholder engagement’ and ‘access to remedy’.

Please note that engaging stakeholders, grievance mechanism managing your value chain, maintaining your due diligence, and communicating the results of your assessments are requirements. If you need further assistance in any of these aspects, refreshers or education of new team members, get In touch and we are more than happy to put you in touch with one of the Global CSR team members.

Thank you for being a valued user of the SEE impacts platform. If you have any questions, please reach out to, and we will be able to assist or refer accordingly.

csrCloud becomes SEE impacts - What does this mean for IMPA ACT members?
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